knuverse package


Copyright 2014, Intellisis All rights reserved.

class knuverse.knufactor.Knufactor(apikey=None, secret=None, email=None, password=None, server='', base_uri='/api/v1/')

Get server info. Uses GET to /about interface

Returns:dict - Server information
auth_grant(*args, **kwargs)

Used to get a grant token. Grant tokens expire after 5 minutes for role “grant_verify” and 10 minutes for the “grant_enroll” and “grant_enroll_verify” roles. Grant tokens can be used to start enrollments and verifications. Uses POST to /auth/grant interface

  • client: (str) Client name
  • role: (str or None) The grant token role. Can be “grant_verify”, “grant_enroll”, or “grant_enroll_verify”. If role is not sent in, the role defaults to “grant_verify”.
  • mode: (str or None) The mode to perform actions with. Can be “audiopass” or “audiopin”. It defaults to the module setting’s “mode_default” if None is passed in.

(dictionary) Specified below

Return Dictionary:
  • jwt - (str) Grant token that can be used to do verifications
  • mode - (str) Default enrollment and verification mode for the server. Either “audiopin” or “audiopass”
auth_refresh(apikey=None, secret=None, email=None, password=None)

Renew authentication token manually. Uses POST to /auth interface

  • apikey (str or None) – Unique identifier for authorized use of the API
  • secret (str or None) – The secret password corresponding to the API key.
  • email – Email to use for authentication
  • apikey – Password corresponding to email


auth_token(apikey=None, secret=None, email=None, password=None)

Get authentication token. Uses POST to /auth interface.

Returns:(str) Authentication JWT
client_count(*args, **kwargs)

Get number of clients. Uses HEAD to /clients interface.

Returns:(int) Number of clients
client_create(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new client. Uses the POST to /clients interface.

  • name: (str) Name of client
  • password: (str) Password of client

(str) ID of the newly created client.

client_id(*args, **kwargs)

Get a client’s ID. Uses GET to /clients?name=<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s name

(str) Client id

client_info(*args, **kwargs)

Get client info. Uses GET to /clients/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID

(dict) Client dictionary

client_list(*args, **kwargs)

Get list of clients. Uses GET to /clients interface.

  • name: (str) If specified, returns the client information for this client only.
  • name_only: (bool) If true, returns only the names of the clients requested
  • all_enrolled: (bool) If true, will return all enrolled clients

(list) List of dictionaries with the client information as requested.

client_unenroll(*args, **kwargs)

Unenroll a client. Uses DELETE to /clients/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID
client_update(*args, **kwargs)

Update client info Uses PUT to /clients/<client> interface

  • client: (str) Client’s ID
  • reason: (str) The reason for changing the client’s settings
  • pin: (str) The new PIN to set
  • current_pin: (str) The current PIN of the user. Only required if role is not admin and the Account Reset Mode (System Configuration) requires PIN.
  • verification_speed: (int) The speed at which the verification should appear for the client. Allowed values: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100.
  • row_doubling: (str) Row doubling is an AudioPIN only option that puts two rows of words in each pinpad digit. Allowed values: “OFF”, “TRAIN”, “ON”
  • password: (str) New client password
  • bypass_expiration: (int) Used to enable/disable a client’s bypass. The time, in minutes, from when the request was received until the bypass expires. 0 removes the bypass, while -1 sets a bypass that doesn’t expire.
  • bypass_limit: (int) The number of times a user may bypass. Set to 0 for no limit. If set without either an existing valid bypass_expiration, or providing one in the request, the client’s bypass_expiration will be set to 10 mins. Default value: 0. Size range: >=0
  • bypass_spacing_minutes: (int) Specifies the time, in minutes, the user must wait between using each bypass. Set to 0 for no bypass rate limiting. If set without either an existing valid bypass_expiration, or providing one in the request, the client’s bypass_expiration will be set to 10 mins.
  • bypass_code: (str) The code that the client must enter to bypass.
  • is_disabled: (bool) If true, the client cannot do verifications (will automatically bypass).
  • verification_lock: (bool) Unlocks the given client if the client verified incorrectly too many times.
  • password_lock: (bool) Set to false to unlock a client who enter thier password incorrectly too many times.
  • enroll_deadline_extension_minutes: (int) Amount of time, in minutes, to extend an enrollment deadline by.
  • enroll_deadline_enable: (bool) When true, enables the enrollment deadline for a certain client, when false disables an enrollment deadline.
  • windows_profile: (str) Assigns a Windows Profile to the user using the Windows Profile ID. To remove a profile, send null.
  • role_rationale: (str) Update the client rationale for a role
  • role: (str) Update the client role. Note: Google users cannot have their role updated. Allowed values: “admin”, “manager”, “support”, “user”.
More information:

Can be found here.

client_validate_password(*args, **kwargs)

Validate client’s password. Uses PUT to /clients/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID
  • password: (str) Client’s Password
client_validate_pin(*args, **kwargs)

Validate client’s PIN. Uses PUT to /clients/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID
  • pin: (str) Client’s PIN
enrollment_resource(*args, **kwargs)

Get Client Enrollment Data. Uses GET to /enrollments/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID
  • audio: (boolean) If True then the enrollment audio is returned.

(dictionary) Look here for information on keys and values.

enrollment_start(*args, **kwargs)

Start Client Enrollment. Uses the POST to /enrollments interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s Name
  • mode: (str) DEPRECATED. Presence of PIN is used to determine mode (AudioPass vs AudioPIN)
  • pin: (str) Client’s PIN. 4 digit string
  • phone_number: (str) Phone number to call.

(dict) Enrollment record with prompts as described here.

enrollment_upload(*args, **kwargs)

Upload Enrollment Data. Uses PUT to /enrollments/<enrollment_id> interface.

  • enrollment_id: (str) Enrollment’s ID
  • audio_file: (str) Path to the audio file of the recorded words. Not required for phone enrollments.
events_client(*args, **kwargs)

Get a client’s events. Uses GET to /events/clients/<client> interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s ID

(list) Events

events_clients(*args, **kwargs)

Get all client events. Uses GET to /events/clients interface.

Returns:(list) Events
events_login(*args, **kwargs)

Get all login events. Uses GET to /events/login interface.

Returns:(list) Events
events_system(*args, **kwargs)

Get all system events. Uses GET to /events/system interface.

Returns:(list) Events
module_settings(*args, **kwargs)

Get Module settings. Uses GET to /settings/modules interface.

Returns:(dict) Module settings as shown here.
report_events(*args, **kwargs)

Create a report for all client events or all system events. Uses GET to /reports/events/{clients,system} interface

  • start_date: (datetime) Start time for report generation
  • end_date: (datetime) End time for report generation
  • type: (str) Type of event report to create. “system” or “clients”

(list) List of events in the input range

report_verifications(*args, **kwargs)

Create a report for all verifications. Uses GET to /reports/verifications interface

  • start_date: (datetime) Start time for report generation
  • end_date: (datetime) End time for report generation

(str) CSV formatted report string

settings_module_reset(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the module settings back to default. Uses DELETE to /settings/modules interface.

settings_module_update(*args, **kwargs)

Set Module settings. Uses PUT to /settings/modules interface.

  • mode_audiopin_enable: (bool) Turn on and off the AudioPIN feature
  • mode_audiopass_enable: (bool) Turn on and off the AudioPass feature
  • mode_default: (str) Set the default verification mode. Either ‘audiopin’ or ‘audiopass’.


settings_system(*args, **kwargs)

Get system settings. Uses GET to /settings/system interface.

Returns:(dict) System settings as shown here.
settings_system_reset(*args, **kwargs)

Resets the system settings back to default. Uses DELETE to /settings/system interface.

settings_system_update(*args, **kwargs)

Set system settings. Uses PUT to /settings/system interface

  • data: (dict) Settings dictionary as specified here.


status(*args, **kwargs)

Get server status. Uses GET to /status interface.

Returns:(dict) Server status as described here.
verification_cancel(*args, **kwargs)

Cancels a started verification. Uses PUT to /verifications/<verification_id> interface

  • verification_id: (str) Verification ID
  • reason: (str) Reason for cancelling the verification


verification_count(*args, **kwargs)

Get Verification Count. Uses HEAD to /verifications interface.

Returns:(int) Number of verifications
verification_delete(*args, **kwargs)

Remove verification. Uses DELETE to /verifications/<verification_id> interface.

  • verification_id: (str) Verification ID
verification_list(*args, **kwargs)

Get list of verifications. Uses GET to /verifications interface.

Returns:(list) Verification list as specified here.
verification_resource(*args, **kwargs)

Get Verification Resource. Uses GET to /verifications/<verification_id> interface.

  • verification_id: (str) Verification ID
  • audio: (boolean) If True, audio data associated with verification will be returned.

(dict) Verification data as shown here.

verification_resource_secure(*args, **kwargs)

Get Verification Resource. Uses GET to /verifications/<verification_id> interface Use this method rather than verification_resource when adding a second factor to your application. See this for more information.

  • verification_id: (str) Verification ID
  • jwt: (str) Completion token received from application
  • name: (str) Client name associated with the jwt. Received from application.

(dict) Verification data as shown here.

verification_start(*args, **kwargs)

Start a verification. Uses POST to /verifications interface.

  • client: (str) Client’s Name
  • mode: (str) Verification Mode. Allowed values: “audiopin”, “audiopass”
  • verification_speed: (int) Allowed values: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100
  • row_doubling: (str) Allowed values: “off”, “train”, “on”
  • phone_number: (str) Phone number to call.

(dict) Verification record with animation as discussed here.

verification_upload(*args, **kwargs)

Upload verification data. Uses PUT to /verfications/<verification_id> interface

  • verification_id: (str) Verification ID
  • audio_file: (str) Path to the audio file of the recorded words. Not required for phone verifications.
  • bypass: (boolean) True if using a bypass code or pin to verify
  • bypass_pin: (str) Client’s PIN if this is a bypass
  • bypass_code: (str) Client’s bypass code if this is a bypass
warnings(*args, **kwargs)

Get server system warnings. Uses GET to /status/warnings.

Returns:(dict) Server messages and warnings as described here.


exception knuverse.exceptions.BadRequestException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Bad Request(400) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.ForbiddenException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Forbidden(403) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Used for HTTP errors. Status codes >= 400

exception knuverse.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Internal Server Error(500) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.NotFoundException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Not Found(404) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.RateLimitedException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Rate Limited(429) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.RequestException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Used for invalid requests.

exception knuverse.exceptions.UnauthorizedException

Bases: knuverse.exceptions.HttpErrorException

Used for HTTP Unauthorized(401) Errors

exception knuverse.exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCodeException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when the server returns an unexpected response code.